

ロシア出身ドイツ人DJの「Zedd」がプロデュースし、イギリス人シンガーの「Foxx」をボーカルに迎えた一曲です。2014年グラミー賞で最優秀ダンス・レコーディング賞を受賞。曲のジャンルとしては「Electro house」となります。今回はこの曲のサビ・コーラスで比較的難しい英単語を覚えます。


“Why are you my clarity?”=「なぜあなたは私を澄んだ心にしてくれるの?」



Cause you are the piece of me        
I wish I didn’t need                                                                                                                         Chasing relentlessly,
Still fight and I don’t know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity?

Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?

懸命に戦っているのに なぜかわからない

もし私たちの愛が悲劇なら なぜあなたは私の癒しになるの?
もし私たちの愛が狂気に満ちているなら なぜあなたはクラリティ(clarity)になるの?




  • relentlessly 容赦なく
  • tragedy    悲劇
  • remedy    治療、救済
  • insanity   狂気、精神異常
  • clarity     明快,明晰.



Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn’t need Chasin’ relentlessly,
still fight and I don’t know why


While the relationship constantly takes a hit from the many different things that wears it away, the girl Foxes interpts feels that her significant other is simply a item she cant get over regerdless of what happens in the relationsip, and wishes she didnt need him in her life. she wishes she dosent need to chase him and try to wrok things out. He’s like a Appendix to her, Its in most of our bodies, but theres no real general or vital use for it


If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?


Love leads to all sorts of sad things: heartbreak, loneliness, despair. But at the same time, love also cures these things.Love is a fundamental aspect of human life, however even after two millennia of civilized life it remains a mystery.


If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity?


If their love isn’t something that makes sense, it shouldn’t make so much sense to her.



情報提供元:English Hacker
記事名:「【洋楽で英語リスニングvol.2】Zedd featuring Foxesの”Clarity”で覚える難英単語